Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Congratulations to my pupil!

Sincere congratulations to my pupil Abhinav Tivari on gaining Distinction (92 out of 100 marks) in his LTCL Diploma recital! Abhinav played Beethoven Pathetique Sonata, Chopin Fantaisie Impromptu, Faure Barcarolle in A minor, Rachmaninov Polichinelle and Scarlatti sonata in B minor. Great job, forwards and upwards! Next stop, Rachmaninoff 2nd concerto with orchestra next year.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Chopin online manuscripts

 I must share with you an amazing website I have just come across:

or click here: Chopin Manuscripts online

which contains Chopin's mnuscripts and shows variants among first editions.
What a tremendous resource, kudos to the authors, editors, designers and investors!

I read about this at the British Library last month in
"Interpreter Chopin, actes du colloque, 25 Mai 2005", organised by Eigeldinger, in the chapter by John Rink entitled Chopin: Work in Progress. Great job!