Friday, 26 February 2010

Nina Koshetz - Wonderful Russian voice from the past

I have been reading a fascinating biography about the wonderful musician Alexander Siloti, who was a cousin of Rachmaninoff's, and a favourite pupil of Liszt's. The biography mentions Nina Koshetz, a pianist and singer, who counted Horowitz and Rachmaninoff among her accompanists. For more information about her life click here

Koshetz went to America appearing in a few hollywood movies, and even opened a Russian restaurant.
Meanwhile click here to listen to her singing, and sharing a beautiful flavour of Old Russia that goes straight to the soul

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Wonderful Brazilian Pianist

Guiomar Novaes (1895 - 1979) was considered the finest lady pianist of her day, and every bit the equal of Hofmann and Rachmaninoff. She was "A musician by the grace of God" according to the New York Times.

Just listen to a minute or two and you will become converted to the warm charms of this veritable Queen of piano playing, who sprinkles gold dust with every note.


(for more information about this remarkable pianist click here)

Standchen, song by Strauss, transcribed for piano by Godowsky
(another version exists transcribed by Walter Gieseking)
"Sit down! The darkness is mysterious here / Under the lime trees"

Albeniz Tango, transcirbed by Godowsky